Daily Discipline

A story of recommitting to health

We’ve all been there. We’re minding our own business and then we see a picture of ourselves and think “WHO. IS. THAT. PERSON!?” And it’s not one of those “oh it’s just a bad angle” pictures. It’s a “holy shit I gotta do something” picture.

That was me in the spring of 2023. As we transitioned out of cooler weather and into warmer weather, I noticed my summer clothes weren’t fitting the same and that every video I did on IG featured my new double chin side kick. But I convinced myself it was just a little “winter coat” until I saw a picture of me at Stevie’s dance recital and I was MORTIFIED.

Not just because I looked heavier then I ever had but because I was disappointed in myself. I knew better. Every one of my businesses targets health, wellness, and nutrition.

And yes, it was also an awful angle lol.

The Picture

“Looking good” is personal and subjective. For me, the disappointment was less about any particular weight or size and all about not prioritizing my health.

It’s not like I’d been eating ice cream by the carton or even drinking alcohol more than usual. But what I realized was a few things:

  • I wasn’t moving my body. I spent most of my day sitting…at my desk, in my car, on the couch. And on top of that I was only “working out” 1-2 times per week.

  • I wasn’t eating ENOUGH….enough protein, enough nutrients, enough in general

  • I wasn’t getting outside

  • I was making excuses for why I couldn't do these things and I was terrified of summer because I knew my ability to do these things would be HARDER once the kids were home.

But I was not going to feel that shame and insecurity all summer so I looked myself in the mirror, threw my excuses in the trash and took action.

  • I changed my schedule. I knew if I was going to get my workouts and work in, I needed to get up earlier than my usual 7:30am. Now, I am up at 5:30am every weekday so that I don’t “miss” a workout simply for not prioritizing it. This also allows me to use my time productively while the kids are in school which means I can be present with them when they get home.

  • I got accountability partners. In June of 2023, I created “Healthy Mom Summer Club” to keep me accountable through summer which is traditionally a time I fall off track with healthy habits. This year, I’m getting us set up before summer with our 75 Soft Challenge. We’d love to have you!

  • I recommitted to my nutrition. I didn’t need to make a lot of changes but I needed to be more mindful.

    • I focus on protein early in the day (goal is 80-100 grams before dinner) which I get with protein shakes, eggs, cottage cheese, protein balls and more.

    • I cleaned up my dinners which just meant planning ahead…as long as I know what I’m making ahead of time, we’re guaranteed a healthy dinner. You can see some of my fave recipes here.

    • Limiting alcohol, esp high sugar/high calorie alcohol and late night snacking. I eat dinner early (about 6pm) and go to bed about 10pm so it’s not realistic for me NOT to eat after dinner but I always aim to keep it healthy and at least two hours from bedtime. Protein cookie dough is my go to! You can find my recipe here.

  • I committed to daily outdoor time and steps. Vitamin D is not only essential to your mood but it also speeds up your metabolism. So the girls and I get outside and move our body for at least 30 minutes every day. And I aim for 10,000 steps daily.

I don’t know if I’ve lost any weight since I don’t own a scale but I know I FEEL better, I’m happier, my clothes are more comfortable, and that’s all that matters. Sianara double chin side kick!

The journey is not over, this is my life. I know I’ll hit more bumps in the road but I have the tools equipped to course correct when necessary…we don’t need another diet, we need tools and action steps. Need help? Join The Healthy Mom Club, check out my course correction guide or join us for our 75 Soft Spring-to-Summer Challenge!

If you need help in any of these areas, I’m your girl. Whether it’s coaching, accountability, protein, supplements or fresh delivered meals, I’d love to connect.


  • Healthy Mom Club: VIP + self-paced wellness coaching: Our focus is on rewiring your relationship with food, finding emotional stability, and regaining your body’s natural energy. Book a consultation and let’s chat!

  • Supplements: For over seven years I have used and recommended Arbonne- a global CLEAN health, wellness and beauty brand. These products are the cleanest and most sustainable available and have fueled my health for the better part of a decade. I’ve helped hundreds of people start or swap their supplement journey and I’d be honored to help you. We just launched a bunch of new products and they are so good!

  • FB Community: Looking for a FREE community to keep you accountable to your health goals? Join us over on Facebook!

  • Live in the North Shore Boston area and looking for fresh, healthy meals? Learn more about Let Whit Cook here and find out if it’s a fit for you. Not local? Don’t worry, I post most of my recipes here with new recipes up weekly.

Xoxo- Whit


High Protein breakfast, lunch, and snacks


Travel Tips