Travel Tips

Staying on Track While Traveling

When working on improving your health, or to maintain it, traveling can be a common speed bump. Preparing for your trip is key for feeling good on your trip as well as avoiding complete sabotage. Just as important is having a “back on track” plan for when you return.

I’ve listed out my top tips for what to travel with, how to stay on track at your destination, and planning for your return.

Staying on Track While Traveling

planning for your travel, destination & return

  1. Plan Ahead: Research restaurants and make meal plans before arriving.

    Not only will you have a better dining experience, you’ll be able to make sure you have good-quality food. I usually use TripAdvisor (app and website) to find places with good reviews and view menus to find a place that looks equally healthy and delicious. Traveling or not, when you look at food ask yourself if you’re respecting your body before you eat it.

    No matter where I am I usually stick to the following:

    • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with veggies if I can find it, or fruit with a low-sugar nut bar (no grains or added sugar)

    • Lunch: Some type of salad with a lean protein (no grains or added sugar)- be careful with the dressings and go with olive oil and lemon when all else fails.

    • Dinner: Anything that sounds good. I love to enjoy local cuisines and I’m always open to trying something new. Indulging a little is ok!

  2. Drink plenty of water: It’s hard enough to drink enough water anytime, let alone while traveling. Be sure to pack a water bottle you can fill up at the airport and restaurants to avoid dehydration and overspending on marked up water bottles.

    This especially important if you’re on an airplane because the humidity inside the cabin is lower than normal. Your body will also be acclimating to a new climate, and between finding your way around and enjoying your trip, drinking water can be easily forgotten.

    Dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue, and loads of other issues. It can also cause hunger, so bottoms up! When you arrive at your location find a convenience store and purchase at least 60-70 ounces of water for each day that you’re traveling

  3. Plan a “home” meal. Try to plan at least one healthy grocery store/market fresh meal a day. This is why I love house rentals or rooms with kitchenettes.

    Find the closest grocery store to where you’re staying. You may or may not be able to find a health foods store, but at least find the nearest market or grocery store to grab some fruit or fresh food. Dining out is a wonderful part of the travel experience, but try to have one meal a day from the grocery store. Think whole/real foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, and salads. (This is better on your pocket book, too!)

  4. Pack a healthy travel bag: I have a few daily supplements I take and while I used to skip them while traveling, I always regretted it. So now, I bring them: I always make sure to pack my probiotic sticks, greens powder, a few protein powder packets and hydration packets. I also keep raw nuts (I like the cashew, almond and cranberry mix from Trader Joes), apples, and low-sugar/healthy bars (I like Arbonne or Rx). Since most of these are shelf stable, I leave the bag packed at home so it’s always ready and just replace it every few months.

  5. Snacks! Speaking of low-sugar/healthy bars, make sure to pack snacks to keep your glucose and metabolism happy and also avoid over eating at meals time. I mentioned a few in the last section but I also love single packets of almond butter and clementines since they can be tossed in a bag without bruising.

    Stock up on high protein snacks like high quality beef jerky or meat sticks and any raw nut or seed (I love shelled pistachios). If you have a cooler, string cheese or hard boiled eggs are a great protein source as well.

  6. Prepare for your return: Most likely you will veer from your normal routine while traveling and return tired. Get yourself back on track fast by planning ahead:

    • Decide when you’re getting back to your normal routine. Sometimes I need a day between traveling and my normal routine to sort of decompress, and that’s ok.

    • Plan the a few meals for the first few days you return and write them down- you’re more likely to stick to it if you write it down.

    • Order groceries ahead of time. While flying or driving home, if necessary, use an app to order a few grocery staples to arrive shortly after your return. Just be sure to include a buffer in case of travel delays.

    • Stock up on supplements before you leave. If you use supplements like protein or greens powder, make sure you have enough when you get home.

    • Use the 10-Day Detox to reset. If you know you’ll veer off course or have a longer trip, plan to do the 10 Day Detox to get you back on track. Better yet, find an accountability partner to do it with you!

  7. Have fun! While no-one wants to feel like crap by eating junk on their trip, don’t overthink it. Part of the fun of traveling is experiencing different foods or indulging a bit more than you do at home. Just don’t go overboard, everything in moderation, and plan ahead so you don’t have shame or guilt over your choices.


Daily Discipline


Reintegrating Food