Step 4: Transform

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.”

Step 4, Transform, is more about transforming your mind than anything. Really tuning into how you’re feeling, the changes you’ve experienced, and how to incorporate your healthy habits into your life long term.

Dining Out Guide

8 tips to staying on track while dining out

Staying on Track While Traveling

How to stay healthy while traveling

Weekend Warrior

Staying on track over the weekend.

Meal Plans

Deeper Dive Topics

Circadian Rhythm

Vitamin D

Hormone Balancing

Weekly Challenges

It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.”

Remember to only view one week at a time so you can master each challenge before moving on to the next.

Weekly Check In!

STOP! Before you move forward, please fill out this survey. You can use this weekly but, at the very least, submit at the end of each phase.


Step 3 - Establish


Step 5 - Launch