What’s The Scoop?
Research has found sleep duration of less than six hours a night is associated with weight-gain and obesity, both in adults and children. Shorter sleeps alter levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which control hunger and appetite, and thus promote overeating.
If you already carry excess weight your breathing can become laboured or disrupted during sleep, as excess weight can limit space for the diaphragm to expand and cause a narrowing of upper airways. Snoring is a common symptom. While alcohol will exacerbate the problem, the good news is that losing weight can significantly improve the quality of your sleep (and your partner's).
Sleep is not just a way to fill the night before the next day. Sleep is essential to good health. While we sleep our body releases substances that fight infection, build and repair muscle, control appetite, promote maturation in teenagers and consolidate memory which is important for anyone who is studying. Sleep is not optional, it’s essential.
So how can you sleep better?
One way to do this is by tuning into your body’s internal clock and developing the habit of getting up and going to bed around the same time each day. Maintaining this pattern will make it easier to fall asleep and get up in the morning.
Your challenge: Build and maintain a good sleep routine
For this challenge, try to commit to a consistent daily bedtime and wake-up time so you can get yourself into a good routine. Where possible, allow half an hour or an hour free from screens before you go to bed. Electronic screens emit blue light that can suppress the sleep hormone melatonin.
If you work shifts and can’t stick to a regular routine, aim to get at least seven hours of consecutive sleep in a dark, cool room. Using an eye mask and ear plugs may minimize disturbances while you sleep.
How to make it happen!
Try these tips to help build and maintain a good sleep routine:
Keep your room cool and dark when trying to sleep
Unwind before bed with a good book, bath or some meditation
Avoid using electronic devices 15 to 30 minutes before going to sleep. Even better, remove mobiles and electronic devices from your bedroom
Use an eye mask and earplugs (I’m addicted to my earplugs)
Try mediation apps such as CALM or Headspace
If you find it hard to shut your brain off, keep a notepad on your side table and write down any ideas, thoughts, worries and ‘to-dos’ that are running through you mind. Feel confident you’ll manage them after a good night’s sleep
Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and limit your combined consumption of tea and coffee to a couple of cups of day. (I try to avoid caffeine after 3pm)
Limit or eliminate alcohol
Exercise regularly
Spend at least 20 minutes outside every day (even better if it’s first thing in the morning)
If you work shifts, talk to the people you live with about how they can help you get uninterrupted sleep.
some info sourced from