Weekend Tips
Top 10 Tips for Sticking to Your Health Goals on the Weekend
Let’s set the scene: You started a new “diet” on Monday and you’re feeling good, feeling motivated! Then the weekend rolls around and you either lose all will power or don’t plan ahead and end up at the McDonald’s drive through or local pizza shop.
Weekends are often our biggest speed bump and learning to plan and prepare for them is absolutely part of making healthy lifestyle changes. Even seven years later, I still have to plan ahead for weekends to avoid making unplanned, unproductive decisions.
This is not about “cheat meals” or deprivation. If you want to enjoy some foods you don’t normally eat, that is totally ok and I encourage it. BUT, plan them- not because you need to count anything or feel guilty, but because we should learn to be intentional with our food decisions.
For example, every Friday we make homemade pizza and it’s one of my favorite family traditions. I made a decision a long time ago that I would enjoy the “regular” crust and cheese. So while I normally avoid gluten and processed dairy, I allow myself the pizza and have made it an intentional decision. I usually have a beer with it too because what’s better than pizza and beer!
Making it an intentional decision removes the shame and puts you in control. So, long story short, enjoy the “guilty pleasures” guilt free by intentionally choosing when you’ll enjoy them.
All that said, if you are in a “detox phase” of your diet change, I recommend sticking to your plan for the first 2-3 weekends so that your body can fully detox and you can retrain your gut (and taste buds) to actively choose the healthier options. It takes a few weeks for you brain to catch up with you and it’s important to give it that time.
Top 10 Weekend Tips
for planning and preparing for the weekends:
Plan Ahead: Take a few minutes during the week to look over your weekend ahead. What plans do you have? Where will you be? Will you be away from home for extended periods of time (kids activities, etc.)? Will you be around tempting food and drinks? Know where you’ll be and plan accordingly.
Attending events/gatherings: If you’re going to any parties/gatherings, eat before- a hearty, healthy snack, or protein shake are great options. And bring your own dish if applicable- my favorite go to is guacamole or hummus with veggies!
It’s ok to say no. If you’re like me and easily tempted, it’s ok to turn down an invitation for a few weekends until you get into a routine and your brain is ready for those temptations. And remember, you don’t have to explain why…you can simply say “no, thank you”.
Dining Out: If you’re in a detox phase, avoid eating out if you can. Otherwise, look at the menu ahead so you know what you’re ordering before you go. Opt for a high protein dish and remember, salads aren’t usually the healthiest option. Again, have a light snack or shake before so you aren’t famished- this helps you avoid the pre-meal chips and bread.
Drink plenty of water at your meal and if you usually get a cocktail with dinner, ask for sparkling water, hot tea, or unsweetened iced tea. Plain old water with lemon is always good too. And enjoy the cheaper bill .
Mocktails! My favorite is seltzer water with muddled berries and mint or basil. Add an energy fizz stick and you’re golden! Most restaurants offer mocktails these days but beware of added sweeteners- sparking water or club soda and lime is your best bet.
Pack snacks: If you’re going to be out running errands or away from home for more than 2 hours, bring plenty of snacks (apples , veggies, and nuts are easy on the go). Bring plenty of water as well.
Weekends are a great time to make crock pot recipes and meal prep for the week ahead.
Sleep: Try to stick to your normal sleep schedule. Lack of sleep directly effects our health in many ways including decreased will power and increased cravings. So even if you make all the “right” food decisions, if you skimp on sleep, you’ll be setting yourself up for failure.
Don’t shame yourself! Even if you do make some unexpected decisions, move on. Take a minute to understand how it happened so you can plan better next weekend and remember health is NOT linear. It’s a series of decisions- so keep on keeping on. You’re doing great!
Prepare for next week! It’s easy to have fun all weekend and roll into Monday like a tiger but at the very least, check your schedule for the week ahead and plan so you can set yourself up for success!