Guilt Free Holidays

Food Edition

Holidays can be a tough time when you're "cleaning up" your diet but they don't have to be. My motto is this:

- Have a plan and be intentional.

However you decide to enjoy your food on Easter (or any holiday for that matter), just make a plan and be intentional.

Here are my TOP FIVE TIPS to enjoying your holidays guilt free:

  1. Create boundaries and a timeline: Want to indulge on all the food or just some of it? Sticking to "productive foods" early on but enjoying a decadent dessert? Or are you like me- hitting up ALL the apps and then tightening it up after that? Having alcohol? What kind and how much? Are you done "indulging" after dinner? dessert? 

    Decide what you’ve having, how much, and for how long.

  2. Ditch the leftovers: If having leftovers around is too much temptation, don’t have them. Hosting? send as many leftovers away as possible and freeze or throw out the rest. If you’re a guest, politely decline or take them home and freeze what you can.

  3. Be prepared for mind tricks: Indulging on inflammatory foods like gluten, sugar and alcohol messes with your gut which messes with your brain. Your gut and brain communicate food preferences through the Vagus nerve and hypothalamus. And this changes over time as you change your diet. The more nutrient dense food you eat, the more your body craves that. And vice-versa.

    So don’t be surprised if after the holiday you go from craving nutrient dense food one day to salivating over cheesecake the next. Stick to your healthy routine for a few days post-holiday and your signals will be back to good.

    You can read more on how cravings work here.

  4. Prepare post holiday meals: Have food ready for the next day so you can wake up and get right back on track. Write down or prepare what you’re having the next couple days so your sneaky brain doesn’t trick you into falling off course.

  5. Ditch the guilt and shame: our health is not linear and there is no such thing as a straight line to perfect health. There are twists and turns, holidays, life events, and unexpected activities- all of which will throw a wrench in our “plan”. Allow yourself the “guilty pleasures” without feeling guilty but also recognize that eating that way as an everyday thing is not good for you, your gut, your brain, or your mental health.

    And!!!! If you choose NOT to indulge for any reason what so ever- do not let others make you feel guilty about your choice. Be proud and reap the benefits tomorrow when you wake up rested with a clear head.

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Xoxo- Whit


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